Bristol Palin's 'Your Mother's a Whore' Heckler Sues for Defamation

In case you missed the premier episode of Bristol Palin's "Life's a Tripp" reality show earlier this week, there was another perfect example of liberal/progressive values on display during one of the scenes.

After riding a mechanical bull at a local bar in West Hollywood (right, what is Bristol Palin doing in West Hollywood!), a heckler nearby shouts "Did you ride Levi like that?" followed by "Your mom's a whore!"

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Bristol confronted the heckler and exposed him for the empty headed useful idiot of the left that he is. I have not followed the Palin family much since 2008, but after watching Bristol confront this cretin I am a much bigger fan of hers. She was poised, articulate and direct - getting right in his face and showing no fear or emotion. She was reasoned and direct, and he had no answer, looking like a buffoon.

Now it seems that he feels as though he has been somehow slandered by this and is suing Bristol Palin! Liberal/progressive values at work. He's the classless, disrespectful schmuck that caused the scene by verbally assaulting a much younger-than-he Bristol, and somehow he is the one that has been harmed by all this. Please, someone stop this ridiculousness.
