Trump to Begin Large Scale Deportations Tuesday

It is not about race, it is about Culture. American Culture. 

A culture that has been under attack since 1965 when the Immigration and Nationality Act was purposely enacted to divide America.

That is it, and that is all. The maniacal Left will scream nonstop while so-called racist Trump and all his supporters stand up and fight for what is right for this country and its Culture.

Click HERE to read article.

They will never agree or understand the truth about what all of us are fighting for. They have been bombarded with mind control propaganda for most of their lives and sadly believe everything the screeching media and political radicals say.

And it's all lies. Every bit of it. Followers of their deluded ideology live in a false reality, yet project it onto everyone daily. They will never listen to facts, or study history, American history, to fully understand what and who we are supposed to be as a country, One Nation, Under God.

We're not a salad bowl, we're not intended to be "multi-cultural", and diversity is not our greatest strength, that's all just more lies invented to hide their true agenda behind. An agenda of total destruction and control. Of the obliteration of whiteness, from America, and anywhere else whiteness appears around the world.

We are less than 5 percent of the world population, but according to the Left we are responsible for every terrible thing that has ever happened to humanity throughout all of history. 

Hollywood churns out villainous, anti-white propaganda movies, furthering the mind control of the weakest among us. Those that have been programmed by this nonstop barrage of gaslighting can't see past it. They can't hold an intelligent conversation about how these policies are destroying this country..

Let them scream, let them throw tantrums, let them call names. It matters not. All that matters is what is true and right under God, and that is what we need to stay focused on while the herds of Leftist barbarians melt down over what they perceive as this great injustice.

If they are screaming, we know we are going in the right direction. 

Let's keep going.
