And as you might have noticed, I created a logo banner, and the image in this article is based on the image from his article, with a little help from ChatGPT.
Kumar is somehow able to wrap it all up in a few short pages. Click HERE for the link to the article, and HERE to go to Part II of the article..
From the culture rot destroying the very fabric of our civilization, the rampant corruption of every institution of influence in America, to the sexualization of our children, and the gross debasement of human interactions, by people that have been desensitized, completely detached from their most raw and beautiful natures.
We are becoming the "herd of proliferating barbarians" as we are referred to in the book "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars." We are becoming that because that is what this powerful propaganda system that we are living in is doing to humanity.
They are literally "tearing human minds to pieces, and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing" as George Orwell so aptly writes in "1984."
So, what's it going to be America? Are we going to continue this slide into absolute debauched satanic destruction, or will we somehow, some way, turn this horrific Marxist, Globalist, New World Order nightmare around? Can we break free from the clutches of 80 years of Cultural Marxism, Critical Theory, & radical Deconstructionism that has been unjustly and ruthlessly foisted upon us?
I don't have the answers, I just know one thing, as long as I am breathing I will be resisting this totalitarian system in any and every way I can, and will be doing so as long as I am drawing breath.
God Bless America.
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