The lunatic left just can't stand the thought of anything remotely pertaining to Traditional Values religion being recognized at any level in this country. They are working around the clock to destroy any and all expressions of conservative values, and a lot of that comes from the Bible. They know it and they hate it.
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The true intention of the left, who are nothing more than radical communist revolutionaries, is to destroy the family unit, to destroy traditional values and replace any reliance or belief in God on reliance and dependance on them - the Government. They use the phony separation clause as the head of their spear to attack the religious right.
That is why you see them protesting any kind of religious expression from the right. They are getting more and more desperate as the response from the right gets more and more emboldened, being less intimidated by their ridiculous charges and threats. They know they have made tremendous headway over the last 40 or so years at destroying traditional conservative values in our culture. What they have yet to realize is that most of that ground was gained while most of America slept.
The mood of the country is changing, more and more traditional values Americans are realizing what has been happening right under their noses and they are responding. The path forward will not be as easy for these lunatics, they no longer have the wind at their backs.
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The true intention of the left, who are nothing more than radical communist revolutionaries, is to destroy the family unit, to destroy traditional values and replace any reliance or belief in God on reliance and dependance on them - the Government. They use the phony separation clause as the head of their spear to attack the religious right.
That is why you see them protesting any kind of religious expression from the right. They are getting more and more desperate as the response from the right gets more and more emboldened, being less intimidated by their ridiculous charges and threats. They know they have made tremendous headway over the last 40 or so years at destroying traditional conservative values in our culture. What they have yet to realize is that most of that ground was gained while most of America slept.
The mood of the country is changing, more and more traditional values Americans are realizing what has been happening right under their noses and they are responding. The path forward will not be as easy for these lunatics, they no longer have the wind at their backs.
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