Evil creatures, how dare they invoke the name of God in school! Exactly who are the "many" that the article refers to here? What they really mean is that someone, or maybe even two, but most likely one lone voice screamed bloody murder to the ACLU the minute they heard about this. This is not about community outrage, this is about the religion police attacking at the first sign of anything resembling God or traditional culture rears its head in public.
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Fight back America! In the streets, in the schools, everywhere. Speak your truth loud and often, do not be intimidated by their threats. We are fighting the next civil rights war in this country. It is going to take boldness and dedication to confront relentlessly every time the Godless minority yells and scream whenever the word of God is spoken in public.
Click here for article
Fight back America! In the streets, in the schools, everywhere. Speak your truth loud and often, do not be intimidated by their threats. We are fighting the next civil rights war in this country. It is going to take boldness and dedication to confront relentlessly every time the Godless minority yells and scream whenever the word of God is spoken in public.
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