It doesn't take much to recognize the subtle, yet consistent drumbeat of the liberal/progressive agenda. The article below reads like just another everyday analysis of an important social/cultural aspect of our society. If one is not careful, being ever mindful of the l/p slant intended to indoctrinate the reader into further agreement of support for destructive cultural norms, it is easy to come away from this article thinking that the author is reasonable, and the arguments are well thought out and actually do make some sense.
Click here to read article: Divorce, it's good for the children!
Not so fast! Let's look a little closer at a few comments intended to be "normalized" as acceptable social norms:
- "Do you really think I wish we had remained in that suffocating little four-person family?" The daughter of the author proclaims as she insists that blended families are far superior than stuffy, boring old nuclear families.
- "So, let me not praise divorce. Let me just offer a few suggestions about how to make it good for the children." The author says as she goes on to praise divorce.
- "Most importantly, his or her sense of reality is not undermined by a determined effort on the part of the parents to deny reality." Yes, of course if a couple remains married the only way to appear consistent to the child is to deny reality.
- "My nuclear family would have been an extra-suffocating threesome. Instead, I have an interesting brother and sister, in-laws, and darling nephews." Imagine having to spend your whole life surrounded by those few select that hold the most special place in their world for you, siblings. To the author, these seem to be mere interchangeable parts here for our entertainment. This is an incredibly negative and downright sinister view of a small nuclear family. Yet presented as a very reasonable attitude to have. This is the trick of liberal/progressives, they could make lighting your friends on fire sound "normal."
- "Conflict Management. It's good practice! Nuclear families tend to get into patterns of conflict that last for years and seem like normality." Here the author is taking something that is actually normal and healthy, developing attitudes and behaviors of conflict management within a nuclear family, and making it sound "bad." Then she goes on to present how much better it is to be thrown into the chaos of divorce and blended families as a tool for developing better conflict management skills.
- "Maybe, in fact, what it says to them is "if at first you don't succeed, try try again." Is that bad? I don't think so. I would be very sad if one of them got into a bad marriage and gave up." Incredible, here the author is making excuses to give up on marriage. It seems the "normal" way in the l/p culture is to toss it out as soon as it gets tough, find someone else and try it again. Let's see how many marriages the typical l/p person can accumulate in a lifetime. Yes, all that disruption and change must be good for childhood development.
All of this is pure madness. She has subtly and not so subtly addressed many of the virtues of traditional marriage and the nuclear family, completely destroyed them and re-packaged all of the negative consequences of divorce and the breakup of the nuclear family as positives. This is intellectual malpractice designed to manipulate the susceptible l/p reader to further indoctrination into the l/p culture. Everything about what she says is flat out WRONG. It is wrong for a healthy culture, it is wrong for adults to live through over and over again and it is wrong for children to be subjected to all of the pitfalls, which she describes as virtues, of repeated divorces and the continual breakdown of the nuclear family.
This is pure evil wrapped in a nice sweet package, presented with a smile and intended for the reader to swallow whole without blinking an eye, falling right in line with the l/p culture establishment.
Click here to read article: Divorce, it's good for the children!
Not so fast! Let's look a little closer at a few comments intended to be "normalized" as acceptable social norms:
- "Do you really think I wish we had remained in that suffocating little four-person family?" The daughter of the author proclaims as she insists that blended families are far superior than stuffy, boring old nuclear families.
- "So, let me not praise divorce. Let me just offer a few suggestions about how to make it good for the children." The author says as she goes on to praise divorce.
- "Most importantly, his or her sense of reality is not undermined by a determined effort on the part of the parents to deny reality." Yes, of course if a couple remains married the only way to appear consistent to the child is to deny reality.
- "My nuclear family would have been an extra-suffocating threesome. Instead, I have an interesting brother and sister, in-laws, and darling nephews." Imagine having to spend your whole life surrounded by those few select that hold the most special place in their world for you, siblings. To the author, these seem to be mere interchangeable parts here for our entertainment. This is an incredibly negative and downright sinister view of a small nuclear family. Yet presented as a very reasonable attitude to have. This is the trick of liberal/progressives, they could make lighting your friends on fire sound "normal."
- "Conflict Management. It's good practice! Nuclear families tend to get into patterns of conflict that last for years and seem like normality." Here the author is taking something that is actually normal and healthy, developing attitudes and behaviors of conflict management within a nuclear family, and making it sound "bad." Then she goes on to present how much better it is to be thrown into the chaos of divorce and blended families as a tool for developing better conflict management skills.
- "Maybe, in fact, what it says to them is "if at first you don't succeed, try try again." Is that bad? I don't think so. I would be very sad if one of them got into a bad marriage and gave up." Incredible, here the author is making excuses to give up on marriage. It seems the "normal" way in the l/p culture is to toss it out as soon as it gets tough, find someone else and try it again. Let's see how many marriages the typical l/p person can accumulate in a lifetime. Yes, all that disruption and change must be good for childhood development.
All of this is pure madness. She has subtly and not so subtly addressed many of the virtues of traditional marriage and the nuclear family, completely destroyed them and re-packaged all of the negative consequences of divorce and the breakup of the nuclear family as positives. This is intellectual malpractice designed to manipulate the susceptible l/p reader to further indoctrination into the l/p culture. Everything about what she says is flat out WRONG. It is wrong for a healthy culture, it is wrong for adults to live through over and over again and it is wrong for children to be subjected to all of the pitfalls, which she describes as virtues, of repeated divorces and the continual breakdown of the nuclear family.
This is pure evil wrapped in a nice sweet package, presented with a smile and intended for the reader to swallow whole without blinking an eye, falling right in line with the l/p culture establishment.
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