Liberal/Progressive Values Clash With Traditional Culture Values on The View

The Ground Zero Mosque is a recent example of how differently liberal/progressives like Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar approach the protection and safeguarding of America's values and history, compared to a traditional culture warrior like Bill O'Reilly.

In the video below, as Bill attempts to explain the rationale behind those who are adamantly against the mosque, Whoopi and Joy - unable to silence Bill and control the conversation - get up and storm out in the middle of the segment. What is obvious to those with traditional culture values, and that Bill tries to explain, is that a mosque so close to Ground Zero is an offensive and aggresive act. Since the mosque represents Islam, and Radical Islam has declared holy war against the Unites States, it looks more like a symbol of their conquest rather than one of peace. The history of Islamic conquest bears this out and the only people being asked to be tolerant are those who disagree with the placement of the mosque so close to Ground Zero.

However, the L/P's believe that it is part of American culture to celebrate and tolerate Islam at all cost of prudence and reasonableness.The Americans that were murdered on 9/11 are irrelevant for some reason and placating the Muslims seems to be the highest priority. Their cultural value is that of tolerance and acceptance, capitulation rather than confrontation with what may be the single most dangerous force around the world today. These actions are earily similar to those prior to World War II, when there was incredible denial about the danger staring Europe in the face.

The reasons for such blind acceptance of those who do not have America's best interests at heart is incomprehensible. But the fact remains, if it weakens or threatens traditional American culture, well then the liberal/progressives are all for it. In that they are consistent. Any mosque, anywhere is yet one more small step away from Judeo-Christian values toward anything else.

Anytime you see a L/P making an argument about an issue, ask yourself this question: does their position strengthen or weaken traditional American culture? I can all but guarentee that the L/P position in all cases weakens traditional American culture.
