Let's face it, the average liberal seems to be so full of hatred and intolerance it stands in constant opposition to all that they supposedly believe in. Aren't they the peace, love and guitars crowd? Aren't they anti-war? Don't they constantly preach tolerance and decry hatred and meanness of others?
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Then how on God's earth does that reconcile with the constant displays of meanness and hatred towards those that simply hold different views? Or is it as simple as Lyndsey Piscitell so succinctly pointed out during her version of what happened to Glenn Beck the other night in New York's Bryant Park: "We live our lives intolerant only of those who don’t tolerate"
That's right, they are only intolerant of those who don't tolerate. Don't tolerate what Lyndsey? Your views and opinions. So, agree with me or I will drag you to hell with my intolerance. Ya, that sounds nice. How is that any different than Communist Russia under Stalin, Muslim extremism anywhere today or Mao's Communist China. This is a really scary statement that really does sum it all up. They refuse to tolerate dissent, the very kind of dissent they began cramming down this country's throat in the sixties under the protection of their precious first amendment rights.
Doesn't that intolerance make them intolerant and downright evil? Isn't the tolerance they preach and demand we conform to the kind of tolerance that says just because someone disagrees with you they still have a right to their opinion and safety? Isn't she contradicting herself in this statement. You can't be tolerant of only those you agree with and intolerant of those you disagree with. That's not tolerance, that's intolerance. What a crackpot!
She admitted the very truth of all of these stark raving mad lunatic liberals that are running around shouting down anyone that challenges them. They are intolerant, and that's the bottom line. They are hateful, mean spirited and intolerant human beings. They are no better than the racists back on the 40's and 50's that punished and tortured blacks and wouldn't allow them a seat on the bus or at the lunch counter. How is liberal lunatic intolerance ANY DIFFERENT! IT IS NOT!
Glenn Beck had a right to that small piece of grass in the park as an American citizen and the intolerant, narrow minded liberal maniacs attempted to deny him his rights, just as was done to blacks many decades ago. Sickening, hateful, ugly people. Liberalism, alive and well in New York City.
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Then how on God's earth does that reconcile with the constant displays of meanness and hatred towards those that simply hold different views? Or is it as simple as Lyndsey Piscitell so succinctly pointed out during her version of what happened to Glenn Beck the other night in New York's Bryant Park: "We live our lives intolerant only of those who don’t tolerate"
That's right, they are only intolerant of those who don't tolerate. Don't tolerate what Lyndsey? Your views and opinions. So, agree with me or I will drag you to hell with my intolerance. Ya, that sounds nice. How is that any different than Communist Russia under Stalin, Muslim extremism anywhere today or Mao's Communist China. This is a really scary statement that really does sum it all up. They refuse to tolerate dissent, the very kind of dissent they began cramming down this country's throat in the sixties under the protection of their precious first amendment rights.
Doesn't that intolerance make them intolerant and downright evil? Isn't the tolerance they preach and demand we conform to the kind of tolerance that says just because someone disagrees with you they still have a right to their opinion and safety? Isn't she contradicting herself in this statement. You can't be tolerant of only those you agree with and intolerant of those you disagree with. That's not tolerance, that's intolerance. What a crackpot!
She admitted the very truth of all of these stark raving mad lunatic liberals that are running around shouting down anyone that challenges them. They are intolerant, and that's the bottom line. They are hateful, mean spirited and intolerant human beings. They are no better than the racists back on the 40's and 50's that punished and tortured blacks and wouldn't allow them a seat on the bus or at the lunch counter. How is liberal lunatic intolerance ANY DIFFERENT! IT IS NOT!
Glenn Beck had a right to that small piece of grass in the park as an American citizen and the intolerant, narrow minded liberal maniacs attempted to deny him his rights, just as was done to blacks many decades ago. Sickening, hateful, ugly people. Liberalism, alive and well in New York City.
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