Profanity On TV On The Rise, Study Says

If you have watched television lately you may have noticed what the article at the link below points out. Not only is the use of profanity on the rise the last 5 years, the standards that determine what language and behavior is considered acceptable have been basically thrown out the window.

Click here for article

Programming in prime time is using the offensive language, but bleeping it out. The point is made. However, if you've channel surfed after midnight recently you will come across easily accessible stations that use profanity and extremely sexual language and behavior on a regular basis. The first time I discovered this I was appalled, assuming that things were the same now as they had been 10 or more years ago. Not so. Most late night TV programming, especially after midnight and on weekends is completely inappropriate for kids, yet who is most likely to be watching these programs? Kids of course.

The comments by readers at the end of the article are a good indicator of just how devolved our culture has become. It is filled with profanity laced, in your face, snarky remarks. Typical of liberal/progressives these days. They are rude, inconsiderate, classless and downright angry. The liberal/progressive loves to condescend to traditional values people, laughing at their "50's squareness." Joking about how behind the times and "uncool" they are.

What is puzzling is how these l/p culture norms must show up in households of l/p parents. Is there any effort to teach decency, self-respect, integrity and honesty in these homes? Or do they leave the values teaching up to the pop culture? It is hard to comprehend how any man or woman that is raising children, especially girls, can be okay with their children being exposed to such foul and sexually explicit behavior as is now being shown on most television channels. Something is missing. Oh that's right, what's missing are traditional values. No wonder it's such a mess out there in TV land.
