Census: Non-English Language Use Has Tripled

"One in five people aged 5 or older spoke a language other than English at home in 2011, compared to 1980 where the number was 1 in 11, an increase of 23 million.  The bureau calculates that over three decades there was a 158% rise, while there was only a 38% increase in overall US population."

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This is the liberal agenda at work. The goal of course is to destroy Traditional American Culture, and what better way to divide people than to promote Multiculturalism, code word for anything but Traditional American Culture.

20% seems like a pretty big number to me, and I happen to believe that the ability to communicate with one another is an important element of the civil society that the left is working tirelessly to destroy. Shared values, shared principles, shared language, all make for a stronger society and by extension a stronger nation. Which explains why the left works around the clock to chip away at anything that supports, promotes or strengthens what was once our common American Culture.

In its place they have fabricated the myth of Multiculturalism, taught in every classroom in America from very early on in a child's education. They are no longer teaching commonality, shared values and a shared history, instead they are taught to celebrate diversity and promote the myth that this is the element of our new society that strengthens us. Another big lie of course, but you hear people of all ages parroting that ridiculous liberal talking point without ever giving its validity a second taught. It is taught, and so it shall be repeated.

20% should be sobering proof that the left is achieving one of its primary objectives - to weaken and eventually destroy American Culture. Fast forward 30 or more years. Good luck trying to accomplish anything with anyone else when nobody will know what the hell anyone is saying. Ya, that should make us stronger! Come on America, this is such obvious garbage, how is it possible that they get away with promoting these myths?

The answer is in plain sight. As I detail in the short eBook  The Insanity of Liberalism, they have effectively mastered the idea of "Cultural Marxism" and have achieved what the author of this diabolical plan termed "the long march through the institutions". They own them all, and it is especially effective with school age children. They are not being indoctrinated into the values and ideals of previous generations. They are being indoctrinated into a radical Marxist ideology, nothing short of that.

Unless Conservatives figure out the war that is being waged, and learn how to effectively counter their opponents advances, this country will fall within a generation. It is already substantially changed from what it was just 50 years ago. Fast forward that same effort, only with increasing effectiveness as they consolidate gains and push faster and harder to implement their radical agenda. It's not rocket science, and the solution is not being taught in school.

 Got kids? Get them out of the public education system immediately! That would be a good start.

Also, learn how to decode the liberal conversation and fight back effectively by understanding their extensive use of Saul Alinsky's tactics as detailed in his book Rules For Radicals - the closest thing to a Bible the left has.

Click the link above for the how-to guide of exposing and countering the liberal agenda, or you can also find it at Amazon.comBarnes & Noble, or Apple.com. It's short, easy to read and exposes the reality of how liberals are so effective at advancing their agenda. Plus, it also provides tips, ideas, and strategies on how to counter their radical advances.

They can be defeated, but we must all first understand the rules of the war that is being waged against us so that we can begin to effectively fight back.
