The Class Warfare Will Be Televised: ABC's 'Revenge' a 'Takedown of the Rich'

Hollywood continues to do what it can to influence and manipulate society into their class warfare, socialism-at-all-costs version of America. Sadly, it does have an affect, all you need do is watch an episode of the Daily Report with Jon Stewart, or the Colbert Report. The mush-brain twenty-somethings that lap this stuff up are the same people that help elect maniacs like Obama. Where's the counter to this? where is the conservative, traditional values programming?

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Hollywood has influence and if you say the nut bags that fall in line for this crap aren't worthy of trying to reach I beg to differ. These are young Americans that have been raised in the liberal culture and don't know any better. They are who they are as a result of a generation of this programming nonsense.

Until there is an effective conservative choice opposing this garbage, millions of under 30 (and some over) Americans will continue to be led down a path of lies, distortions and manipulations aimed at creating a permanent liberal values voting block that will assure our nation continues down this path of destruction, toward their delusional socialist utopia.
