SWAT Attacks Home School Mom For Refusing to Force Med Child

Folks, we are living in dangerous and unreasonable times when the State will send a SWAT team to your house to kidnap your child away from you for failure to administer "state ordered" medication. This is beyond Orwellian.

Click here for article

Make no mistake, the label of being "home schooled" automatically makes you an enemy of the state. They are ruthless in their ambitions to indoctrinate every child into their radical worldview. Homeschooling is a direct threat to their power and control over you, your children and your family.

They will stop at nothing to destroy the family unit, a major obstacle toward their goals of radicalizing children into a marxist/socialist/communist worldview.

The family unit and Judeo-Christian values must be destroyed. These monsters are serious, and dangerous once they get you on their radar. This poor woman will be forever scarred, face major criminal charges and have her family destroyed. Does that sound like justice in America? I think not.


  1. CPS is a bunch of communist losers. They all need to be fired/abolished/euthanized.


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