Why Is There No Looting in Japan?

Could it be that the Japanese culture places an emphasis on moral absolutes like right versus wrong and good versus bad? Could it be that they have not gutted their traditional culture like America has, a culture that is based on morality, honesty, integrity, all principles and values handed down by God?

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Why is there any shock or surprise when people in America behave like soulless cretins at the first sign of opportunity to get away with something? After all, our mainstream culture is now based on liberal /progressive values. If it feels good do it and if you can get away with it then it isn't wrong.

The liberal/progressive movement has taken a wrecking ball to our traditional culture and generations of unknowing children are being raised by that very same culture. So given that fact, that absolute reality, how can it come as a surprise when Americans behave as they did during Hurricane Katrina?

Just as small children are being raised in Muslim countries believing that hating America is right, that we are the devil and that mercilessly murdering us in cold blood is right and normal, in fact it is Allah's will. They grow up, strap bombs on and go blow up the nearest American or Jew they can find.

Whatever that ideology is, liberal/progressive, traditional, Shariah, Taliban, whatever children are exposed to as they grow and learn, that is what becomes their primary world view. This is how we get North Korea, Afghanistan and Palestine. This is how we get an American culture that is void of all morals and values.

So, what is happening in Japan? Apparently they are doing something different and maybe America could learn something from this, well, liberal/progressive America that is. Those of us that live in traditional America already know what has happened here and are doing everything possible to reintroduce traditional values back into our culture, into our schools and into our institutions.
