Donald Trump - Right on Somali Pirates, Wrong on Comedy Central

Just this morning I read somewhere that Donald Trump said about the Somali Pirates that he would "wipe them of the face of the earth." I thought, okay, maybe this guy has some good ideas. He has taken a position that I feel strongly about and agree with completely. We look like pathetic wimps right now with Obama in office, and that needs to change.

Then I read a story from the Parents Television Council here, focusing on the recent Comedy Central Roast of him, and I'm thinking, this guy is a total schmoe for even being in the company of these liberal/progressive degenerates. He is listening to the ridiculous vile that spews effortlessly forth with every breath at nearly every moment and smiling and seems to be enjoying himself.

And I'm thinking that is exactly what is wrong with this country. We have a bunch of half-way-there candidates, but very few that completely get it. Trump is no culture warrior and that is a part of what this country needs right now, not somebody that will hang out with Snoop Dog and legitimize the cultural pollution that is coming out of Hollywood right now. We need someone that will stand on principle and speak the truth about how he would not want to raise his children to behave that way, and that we have a strong history of traditional family values in this country and it's time people paid closer attention to that, and worked more to fix the things that are eating away at it every day.

Donald Trump is not the guy to help us restore this country, yes he could do a few good things that aren't being done right now under the current leadership of the lunatic fringe of the radical democratic party, but that's not saying much.

But this is about much more than Donald Trump. This is about pushing back against the liberal establishment in Hollywood that is spewing out this endless filth that now occupies our airwaves. TV has become an incredibly negative influence on our children and the smut peddlers like Viacom referenced in the linked article above need to hear from those of us that are sick and tired of it. Click on the link above and let Viacom hear from you. If you aren't convinced it's worth your while, or not that big a deal then follow the link to the unedited script of some of the dialogue. If that doesn't get your attention, well then you may just be part of the problem.
